Monday, November 12, 2012

Verse for Thought

Amy started this new blog segment last thursday called blog for thought and she said she would be glad for me to do some similar posts!

I was reading my James: Mercy Triumphs Beth Moore Bible Study and the first lesson for this week focuses on James 1:19.

Well I hadn't really thought about it but reading this made me realize that I have been getting angry lately, just getting ticked off over little things. It has to do with my unhappiness with still feeling in limbo, but seriously that doesn't matter. I really have nothing to be angry about. I have a great family and I am blessed to be able to live with my parents right now, (even if it feels frustrating and weird). James 1:20 goes on to state that Anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Anger, for anger's sake doesn't really accomplish anything. So I am going to focus on being quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. 

1 comment:

  1. Love it :) I need to work on that too, sometimes I just speak so quickly without thinking about the effect my words could have!


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